Bone & Joint Checkup

Healthy bones and joints are crucial to your mobility and extended youthfulness, as well as living a pain-free life as you move around. Exercise helps you maintain bone density as you get older, lessen joint pain, and keep off extra weight that can stress your joints. More importantly regular exercise helps you balance so you avoid falls that can damage bones and joints.

With cutting edge diagnostic facilities, Godavari Diagnostic Centre is your one-stop for complete bone and joint check-ups. We diagnose your problem at the roots before it gets worse!

A bone profile study helps keep a check on the health of your bones and joints. List of test to check the health of your bones:

Uric acid Calcium, Phosphorus, Alkaline Phosphatase, Total Proteins, Albumin, Globulin, A : G Ratio, ANA, RA, CCP-Ab, PTH, Vitamin D, Protein Electrophoresis.
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